Redbridge Finance

Internal Complaints Procedure


We hope the service that we provide to all our customers meets, and indeed exceeds, their expectations. However, we appreciate that sometimes, despite our best care and attention, things can go wrong and you feel the need to complain. This document details how you can do this, and what we will do when we receive your complaint. 

 How To Complain

 You can make your complaint in a number of convenient ways:

  • By email –
  • By post – Highfield, Crossing Lane, Claydon, OX17 1EX
  • You provide enough information for us to positively identify you on our systems
  • You provide details of your complaint
  • Additional information around your complaint that you think will help us in our investigation.
  • An indication of what you would like us to do to put things right for you. We cannot guarantee that we will do this, but sometimes it can help us resolve things much quicker if we know what you would like us to do.
  • Send you our final response communication detailing the results of the investigation, whether we uphold the complaint, and if so, whether we are making an offer of redress. (Please note that an offer of redress may not always be financial compensation, it may be that we take some action to put things right with your claim, or even offer an apology).
  • Send you a communication advising you that we are still not in a position to issue our final response. We will tell you why this is and also when we expect to be able to do so.
  •  Within 6 years from when the problem happened OR 3 years from when you found out about it
  • Within 6 months of us providing you with our Final Response Communication 

If you are sending your complaint to us, please ensure that:

 We would also find it useful if you could provide the following, however, this is optional and we will still investigate your complaint without it:


What We Will Do

 When we receive your complaint we will start by sending you an acknowledgement of your complaint. We will include details of the senior manager who will be handling this. We will also send you a copy of this document so you have it to hand. This will be sent to you within 5 business days of us receiving your complaint.

We will then investigate the complaint.

Within 8 weeks of us receiving your complaint we will either:

 In both of these cases, we will provide you with details of the Claims Management Ombudsman ( whom you will then be entitled to refer the matter to if you are unhappy with our response, or do not want to wait beyond the 8-week time limit. You can call the Claims Management Ombudsman on 0800 023 4567.

Please note, you will not be able to refer the case to the Claims Management Ombudsman unless you have given us the opportunity to investigate it first.

Time Limits

 There are some important time limits that you must observe if you want to refer your complaint against us to the Claims Management Ombudsman. These limits are 6 months from the date we send you our Final Decision Letter.


 If the referral of your complaint does not meet both time limits the Claims Management Ombudsman may not be able to investigate it.

 Redbridge Finance Limited