Redbridge Finance

Recommend A Friend – Terms & Conditions

As word of mouth is the best commendation a business can get, our Recommend A Friend (RAF) scheme is designed to reward those who pass on a good word about us to their friends and family who then go on to make a successful claim with us.

1. Parties.

In these terms & conditions:

Redbridge, We, Us, Our will refer to Redbridge Finance Limited.

The recommender will refer to the individual who introduced their Friend to Our services.

Friend will refer to the person being introduced to Us by the Recommender.

2. Marketing & promotion.

This scheme MUST NOT be used for commercial purposes to market or introduce Our services to those who are not the immediate friends and family of the Recommender. The Recommender may not actively seek out potential claimants or publicly advertise Our services, whether in written or verbal form, in any way whatsoever as this would be in breach of the Compensation Act 2006.

For clarity, the reward is a ‘Thank You’ for passing on Our good name that then leads to a successful claim and NOT a fee paid to the Recommender for introducing new business to Us.

3. Limitations on recommendations.

In order to ensure that this scheme is only being used privately among friends and family, We will limit the number of recommendations that are eligible for a reward payment to 4 in any 6 month period.

4. Reward payout conditions.

For a reward to be paid the following conditions must be met.

  1. All of these Terms & Conditions MUST have been satisfied.
  2. Entry to the scheme must have been registered at the time that the Friend makes a claim application. The Recommender/Friend relationship cannot be retrospectively added.
  3. The Friend must have made a successful claim where the total redress offered by the lender and accepted by the Friend is at least £100.00 in monetary value.
  4. The value of the reward will be £50.00 per Friend introduced. In all cases, only 1 reward payment will be made per introduced person.
  5. Payment will be made to the Recommender within 30 days of these conditions being satisfied.
  6. All Redbridge invoices relating to the Friend’s claims MUST be paid in full.
  7. The Recommender must not owe Redbridge any monies relating to outstanding invoices. If such monies are owed any reward due will be first allocated to the payment of these.
  8. The Recommender must submit bank details and ID in the form of a passport or driving license to Us before a bank transfer is made.

5. Entry into the scheme & claims process.

It is important that while running this scheme We do not breach any regulations, including the Data Protection Act and the electronic marketing regulations.

The Recommender must direct the Friend to make an application on Our website The Recommender CANNOT pass their friend's details to Us for Us to make the first contact with them.

When the Friend has completed an application they must email us ( with the following details of the Recommender:

  • Name
  • Postcode
  • Date of Birth
  • Email Address

We will then link the Recommender and Friend together on Our systems and process the Friends application in accordance with Our normal claims assessment and management process. Where We are unable to pursue a claim due to lack of merit We will communicate this to the Friend only.

For data protection We will not, at any time, discuss with the Recommender any aspect of the claim OR whether it has reached the point that a reward is payable.

When a claim is eligible for a reward payout We will contact the Friend, by email, to advise them of this. We will send them a unique claim code that they should pass to the Recommender. PLEASE NOTE THAT BY DOING THIS YOU WILL BE ADVISING THE RECOMMENDER THAT YOU HAVE HAD A SUCCESSFUL CLAIM OF OVER £100.00.

The Recommender must then email Us the following from the email address provided at registration:

  • the unique claim code
  • sort code and bank account number to receive the reward
  • a copy of their passport or driving license

Once this is received and validated We will email the Recommender directly to advise them that the claim has been successful and when payment will be made.

6. Other terms.

We may, at Our total discretion alter, amend or withdraw the scheme without notice or reason, at any time.

We may withhold or refuse to pay a reward where these terms and conditions are not met or where the recommendation has been made in a way that is not in keeping with the rules of the scheme.

Where a payment is delayed We will not be responsible for any costs incurred by the Recommender and shall not be liable to pay interest on any monies owed.

The reward will be paid at the rate indicated above and income tax HAS NOT been deducted. Where the Recommender is subject to UK Income Tax, or any other taxes on such income, the Recommender will be responsible for declaring this income and paying any taxes or other amounts due.